Flat-Earthers Visit Antarctica and Confront Evidence That the Earth Is Round

Flat-Earthers Visit Antarctica and Confront Evidence That the Earth Is Round

Pastor Will Duffy recently led an ambitious expedition dubbed the “Ultimate Experiment,” aimed at settling the long-standing debate about the Earth’s shape. The journey took a group of flat-Earth believers to Antarctica, with the goal of proving—or disproving—their belief that the planet is flat. However, the outcome was not what some participants expected.

“I organized the Ultimate Experiment to end the argument once and for all,” Duffy stated ahead of the trip. “Once we visit Antarctica, no one will need to waste time debating the Earth’s shape again.”

One of the expedition’s objectives was to demonstrate that Antarctica is not restricted by insurmountable barriers, as some flat-Earth theories suggest. Many proponents of this belief argue that the 1959 Antarctic Treaty prevents civilians from accessing the region to conceal the “truth” about the planet’s shape.

Another key aspect of the mission was to observe whether the Sun truly shines for 24 hours during the Antarctic summer. This phenomenon, often referred to as the “Midnight Sun,” is only possible on a spherical Earth, where its axial tilt and orbit around the Sun create this effect during the summer months in the polar regions.

Flat-Earth enthusiasts hoped to find evidence contradicting these well-documented phenomena. However, upon reaching Antarctica, the continuous daylight they witnessed forced some participants to reconsider their beliefs.

Jeran Campanella, a flat-Earth influencer who joined the expedition, admitted to having doubts after observing the extended sunlight. “Sometimes you make mistakes in life. I thought there would be no sunlight for 24 hours, but I was wrong,” he confessed.

Campanella acknowledged that the evidence supported what he called the “global Earthers’” perspective. “I know people will call me a ‘phony’ for admitting this, but I value honesty,” he said. “I genuinely believed there was no 24-hour sun, but now I know there is.”

The expedition’s findings highlight the importance of firsthand experience and evidence-based observation. While many scientific proofs of Earth’s spherical shape have long been established, this journey served as a compelling opportunity for skeptics to witness the truth themselves.


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