God did not create the universe, says Stephen Hawking

God did not create the universe, says Stephen Hawking

A very smart scientist named Stephen Hawking had some big ideas about how the universe began. He said that the universe didn’t need God to start it. Instead, it began because of the laws of physics—these are like the rules for how things work in the world and space.

Stephen Hawking explained this in a book he wrote with another scientist named Leonard Mlodinow. The book is called The Grand Design. In it, he said that the universe began with something called the “Big Bang.” This was a huge explosion that started everything, like stars, planets, and even us!

Hawking said the Big Bang happened because of a rule called gravity. Gravity is what makes things fall down and keeps us on the ground. He explained that because there’s gravity, the universe could make itself out of nothing. He called this “spontaneous creation,” which is why everything exists, including people, animals, and the stars in the sky.

Stephen Hawking was a super-smart scientist who studied black holes (these are like giant space vacuums) and how the universe works. He wanted to figure out big questions like, “Why are we here?” and “How did the universe start?”

A long time ago, Hawking thought maybe God helped make the universe. But later, he decided the universe could have started all on its own because of the laws of science. He said if you want, you can think of these laws as “God,” but not the kind of God you can talk to or ask questions.

Stephen Hawking also talked about aliens! He thought there might be other creatures living far away in space. But he warned that if we ever meet aliens, we should be careful. He said it might be like when explorers came to America and things didn’t go well for the people already living there.

Even though Hawking couldn’t move his body because of a sickness, he kept working and thinking about big ideas. He used a special computer to talk and share his ideas with the world. People think of him as one of the smartest scientists ever, and his work has changed how we understand space and the universe.


  1. Bob Graham

    Your belief there is no God.
    My belief God let you end up in a wheelchair and suffer on earth and bin hell for arrogance.

    • Bully Buster

      Bob, you must be a CINO. Christian in name only. Way to go, Homer.

    • Sean burns

      Yeah, that sounds like what you’d expect to hear from a moron that believes in a petty, narcissistic, angry and vengeful super being

  2. Janet Murphy

    I love reading about the universe and the Big Bang. I think Stephen Hawking, Neil GeGrass Tyson are the voices of reason and science. Thank you.

  3. Janie Hataway

    How does spontaneous creation begin out of nothing? So interesting if it sounds logical.

  4. Dorothy

    I have believed this for some time. Not a popular concept, however.

  5. Bill Billy

    Who is responsible for GRAVITY?

  6. David

    I sure it something to make gravity but not nothing. I bet Hawking never met a telepathic psychic and spiritual healer like me, I bet he’d have a different perspective on things if he had. God is real and Heaven is real I know without a doubt a hundred percent.

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